Five Important Things to Look Out for in your Child’s Bite

Many parents often ask what they should look for in their child’s teeth if they have a sucking habit? As we know, sucking habits affect the oral structure of children differently. But here is a quick overview of the different types of bites to keep an eye out for in your child’s mouth. 


This where the back teeth meet, but the front teeth don’t and there is a gap at the front between the top and bottom teeth.⁣ This means the teeth aren’t aligned properly when the jaw is closed.



This is where the teeth are bunched up together or out of alignment, sticking out at funny angles and generally don’t seem to have enough room.⁣



The top teeth should fit the bottom teeth like a saucepan lid. If the bottom teeth sit in front of the top teeth at any point in the arch, this is called a cross bite.⁣


An overbite is how deeply the top teeth sit over the bottom teeth. You can tell how deep an overbite is by how much bottom teeth can be seen when the teeth bite together.⁣


Many people get overjet and overbite confused. No one can blame you, particularly since the terminology is so similar. But an overjet is how far the top teeth protrude over the bottom teeth.⁣

Does your child have any of these bites?  

It’s a good idea to see a dentist to have your child’s teeth examined – only a dentist can tell you if this is a concern or not.  Also what may seem funny or strange to you, may be absolutely normal for your child’s age or developmental stage.Your child should see a dentist when their first tooth erupts of by the age of 1, so regardless, your child should have a dental “home” quite early so that their teeth and smile can be taken care of.
